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Kubernetes at Home

·6 mins

I recently converted my Docker Swarm-based homelab to one powered by Kubernetes.

My original goals with setting up Swarm were to fully leverage all the compute and memory available on my two-node setup. Ultimately though, because of shared storage and other complications with hardware devices, I ended up manually scheduling containers onto specific nodes, which totally defeated the purpose.

Plus Kubernetes is cooler 😎.

The process took about a week of a few hours at a time to get set up. I wanted to write about it here because otherwise I’ll forget everything.

Start with the end in mind #

At the end of this adventure, I ended up with the following setup:

  • 2-node k3s cluster
  • Fast high availability replicated storage using Longhorn
  • NFS for large file storage
  • Optional OAuth for cluster ingresses (put web UIs behind Google Login)
  • Optional automatic TLS for ingresses using Letsencrypt (via cert-manager)

If any of that is of interest, read on…

The Hardware #

There are 2 nodes: 🐳 whale and 🦆 duck (don’t ask). They are not particularly special:

🐳 whale

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7500 CPU @ 3.40GHz
  • 16GB DDR4
  • 120GB SSD
  • 8TB ZFS array (more on that later)
  • 1Gbe Networking

🦆 duck

  • Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7600 CPU @ 3.50GHz
  • 32GB DDR4
  • 120GB SSD
  • 1Gbe Networking

Both are running Ubuntu 20.04, and both have fixed IP addresses.

OS Configuration #

I used Ansible for this part. I tried to keep it simple, and the basics of the configuration I used were to install open-iscsi (required for Longhorn) and nfs-common (required for NFS mounts) and then:

- name: Enable IPv4 forwarding
    name: net.ipv4.ip_forward
    value: "1"
    state: present
    reload: yes
- name: Enable IPv6 forwarding
    name: net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding
    value: "1"
    state: present
    reload: yes
# adapted from
- name: Disable SWAP in fstab since kubernetes can't work with swap enabled (1/2)
    path: /etc/fstab
    regexp: '^([^#].*?\sswap\s+sw\s+.*)$'
    replace: '# \1'
  register: swap_was_disabled
- name: Disable SWAP since kubernetes can't work with swap enabled (2/2)
  shell: |
    swapoff -a    
  when: swap_was_disabled.changed

The Software #

I decided to use k3s in this setup, because it’s simpler for this type of environment (small, 2 node cluster) and it just works.

Installing the k3s server (master) #

Our master node is going to be 🐳 whale, so we have to run the following on that box:

sudo curl -sfL | sh -

That’s it!

This will set up and enable the containerd daemon and install the rest of the k3s control plane. Since docker also uses containerd, my existing running containers are not affected at all!

Once it’s done, you can test it with:

$ sudo k3s kubectl get svc
kubernetes  ClusterIP   <none>       443/TCP  5m30s

If that works, we can proceed to adding a worker node. To do that we need the node-token for the master node. The k3s server helpfully places the token in a file on the server: /var/lib/rancher/k3s/server/node-token.

Copy the contents of that file somewhere (I just catted it and then copy-pasted it).

Installing the k3s agent (worker) #

Now, to make a real cluster, we need to get the worker node (🦆 duck) involved.

To install the k3s agent, run this on the worker node (replace <TOKEN> with the token from the previous step, and <MASTER IP> with the IP of the master node):

sudo curl -sfL \
  | K3S_TOKEN=<TOKEN> K3S_URL=https://<MASTER IP>:6443 sh -

Once that’s finished, it’s time to make sure we can run workloads on both nodes.

Testing the setup #

Here’s a Deployment that will run pods on both nodes:

apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
  name: nginx-test
    app: nginx-test
  replicas: 4
      app: nginx-test
        app: nginx-test
      - name: nginx-test
        image: nginx

Put that in a file called nginx.yaml on your server node, and run sudo k3s kubectl apply -f nginx.yaml.

Then check the pods:

$ sudo k3s kubectl get pods -o wide

NAME                              READY   STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE     IP            NODE    NOMINATED NODE   READINESS GATES
nginx-test-7795b97f48-t48g5       1/1     Running   0          5s   duck    <none>           <none>
nginx-test-7795b97f48-rjkwb       1/1     Running   0          6s   whale   <none>           <none>
nginx-test-7795b97f48-ln5kp       1/1     Running   0          6s   whale   <none>           <none>
nginx-test-7795b97f48-6x56q       1/1     Running   0          6s   duck    <none>           <none>

Note: If you’re lucky you’ll end up with pods spread over your nodes, but they might all land on one. You can keep messing with the replicas: 4 value and re-apply-ing the manifest, or look into Pod Topology Spread Constraints.

Don’t forget to clean up: sudo k3s kubectl delete -f nginx.yaml or sudo k3s kubectl delete deployment nginx-test.

Using kubectl from elsewhere #

You don’t want to log into your servers to manage the cluster, so on the master node, copy /etc/rancher/k3s/k3s.yaml onto your local machine as ~/.kube/config. Then replace with the IP or name of your k3s server.

Obviously you need to install kubectl for this to work.

Also PRO TIP: put this at the bottom of your ~/.bashrc or ~/.zshrc or similar:

alias k=kubectl

Then getting pods can be a little characters as k get po. Additionally most resources types have a short form; deploy for deployments or no for nodes. If it saves a few keyboard strokes, it’s worth doing.

Traefik conflicts #

I mentioned I was running Docker Swarm on these nodes before. Luckily, since Docker uses containerd (and containerd-shim) under the hood, it can coexist on the same machine as k3s. Which is good for my cutover period, while I slowly migrate each service from docker-compose YAMLs to Kubernetes YAMLs.

The downside however is that my Swarm-hosted Traefik 2.x setup was conflicting with the Traefik 1.7 setup that comes bundled with k3s.

I rashly decided to disable Traefik in k3s the wrong way (I just did kubectl delete -n kube-system deploy traefik).

This works, Traefik stops doing things in the kube cluster, but then putting it back is a huge pain. You can convince k3s to re-run the helm chart that runs on startup by using this eldritch nightmare (requires jq):

# Save the job config as an edited JSON file
kubectl get -n kube-system job "helm-install-traefik" -o json \
    | jq 'del(.spec.selector)' \
    | jq 'del(.spec.template.metadata.labels)' \
    > helm-install-traefik.json

# Force the job back into k8s again :'(
cat helm-install-traefik.json | kubectl replace --force -f -

Gross. But it works 🤷‍♂️

Again, this wouldn’t be an issue if you were starting from scratch, just if you already have something listening on 80/443 that you don’t want to shut down right away.